JLA Welcomes You

JLA Clubhouse
JLA Clubhouse

Welcome to the Juniperwood Land Owners Association! We are a SOCIAL CLUB.

Board of Directors meetings are held the second Friday of the month at 9AM at the JLA Club House. The Club House is located at the coner of Bullock Road and Folkerts Lane.

Member meetings are open to all Juniperwood Ranch land owners and residents. Member meetings are the third Saturday of the month from 5-7PM. These meetings normally include a pot luck meal.

Family membership in JLA is $35 per family for one year.


  1. Hello, what do I need to do to join the association?
    It there a monthly news letter?
    I am interested in the garden club, are they active in the winter months?

    1. Hi Rand, your message got stuck in the incoming queue. JLA is active year around, but meetings sometimes get postponed or rescheduled based on the weather conditions. The best way to obtain a membership is to contact skiesofarizona@hotmail.com Al Schober is our current president. Membership fees are $35 per family for one year. The next event is scheduled for Feb 18th at noon. It is a social gathering and spaghetti lunch with sauces provided by members. You are very welcome to come – membership can be done at that event.

  2. I would like to know how things are on the Ranch. Someone told my 40 acres are landlocked. How do I get to my property> Are there some laws that I can research? Thanksglenna clark

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